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The Risks of Creosote

A fireplace is a wonderful appliance if you have one in your home. It is, however, important to know the dangers that are involved. The build-up of creosote is extremely dangerous if not controlled. Creosote develops into three different categories. We will discuss those below. If you have a wood-burning fireplace you have creosote to some degree. Creosote is a flammable, highly toxic liquid that is oily. Creosote can also be semi-solid. It is a byproduct of burning wood. Creosote is quite combustible. 

Creosote can be a risk to your home, but it is also beneficial in some ways. Due to its tar-like consistency, it is used for wood preservation.  You will find it outdoors protecting railroad ties and utility poles. You may have witnessed this as you drive down the street. The creosote that covers the wood protects it from termites, fungi, and other pests.  

Depending on how long the buildup continues, it is produced in different degrees. Depending on the degree, it makes it harder to clean off. Let us discuss the different types of creosote.

Creosote Build up in Groveville, NJDegrees Of Creosote

  • Type 1 – At this level creosote is composed of a loose, flaky substance. At this stage, it is relatively easy to clean off with a professional chimney cleaning brush. 
  • Type 2 – Creosote becomes hardened. More of a tar-like flake compared to the previous type. Specialized brushes or scrapers are usually required to get through this creosote level.
  • Type 3 – This is at the highest degree. The creosote has now hardened. It has the resemblance of tar. It has coated the inside of your chimney. The chimney sweep would have to use special equipment to clean it off. At times a chimney liner replacement is required to cover the creosote buildup and to avoid a chimney fire. 

How To Prevent Risk

  • Due to the consistent build-up of creosote when you have a fire, it is important to keep up the cleaning or chimney sweeps. 
  • Burn only well-seasoned wood. Allow your wood to be seasoned for at least 6 months, up to a year. Dry wood will burn faster, and the condensation won’t linger and attach itself as creosote onto the inner portion of your chimney.
  • When buying wood, purchase only hardwoods.  Experts suggest ash, maple, hickory, and birch. 
  • Burn a slow steady fire. Don’t burn a blazing fire in your fireplace. This can significantly increase the risk of chimney fires due to excessive creosote buildup. 

freestanding stove and fireplace installation in Pennington NJWhen you are ready for a chimney sweep, give us a call.

We are Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) Certified and a member of the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG). Our fully licensed, insured and trained chimney technicians handle chimney sweeping, cleaning, and tough chimney problems.

This includes tuckpointing, chimney construction, chimney venting, chimney pipe, chimney crown repair, chimney cap installation, chimney chase cover, chimney liner replacement or repair, leaky chimney repairs, fireplace restorations, chimney restoration, masonry services, chimney damper repairs, smoky chimneys, smelly chimneys, loose mortar on the chimney and any other chimney or fireplace services you need. Contact us today!