Chimney Sweep Lawrenceville NJ – Real Estate Chimney Inspections
When you want a first-rate chimney sweep in Lawrenceville and Lawrence Township NJ, Mercer County Chimney Services is the place to call. Our company trucks are frequently seen throughout the region as our certified technicians are providing chimney sweep services such as chimney cleaning, Level 2 chimney inspections for real estate transactions, chimney repair, masonry rebuilds, and heating appliance installation. We have certifications with the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and the National Fireplace Institute (NFI). Mercer County Chimney Services delivers unbeatable workmanship due to our dedication to professionalism and training.
Chimney Cleaning in Lawrenceville and Lawrence Township NJ
Chimney cleaning, also known as chimney sweeping, is an essential service to ensure home safety in Lawrenceville and Lawrence Township NJ. Each year, thousands of home fires occur with the home’s first use of the fireplace for the season. The fires are most often caused by dirty chimneys. In the majority of cases, if the basic chimney sweep service of chimney cleaning had been taken care of, the home fire would have been avoided.
Creosote is the reason chimney cleaning is essential. If you burn wood in your heating appliance, highly flammable creosote is deposited in the flue lining with every fire you light. The tar-like substance continues to build up inside the walls of the lining until the chimney is cleaned. The risk of a chimney fire in Lawrenceville and Lawrence Township NJ is increased with the presence of creosote. Hazardous chimney fires are especially dangerous when there is an excessive amount of creosote because the fire continually feeds off of the flammable substance. This type of fire usually destroys the chimney liner, spreading the intense blaze into the rest of the home.
Level 2 Chimney Inspections
A chimney inspection is another essential chimney sweep service, though fire safety experts at CSIA and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) agree that it is a service needed every year, no matter what type of fuel is burned in the heating appliance. As with chimney cleaning, a huge safety issue is also an impetus behind scheduling annual chimney inspections in Lawrenceville and Lawrence Township NJ.
Chimney inspections are crucial chimney sweep services because of hazards associated with a damaged chimney liner. It is virtually impossible to check the full length of a chimney flue for signs of damage unless you schedule a Level 2 chimney inspection. This type of inspection includes video footage of the entire chimney flue. This chimney sweep service is an essential one because it can help a household to avoid the following hazards:
Combustible materials near the chimney liner undergo a process called pyrolysis and suddenly ignite in a fierce blaze inside the home.
If there is a breach in the chimney liner, occupants of the home can be exposed to deadly carbon monoxide fumes.
Anytime a flue has even a small crack in Lawrenceville and Lawrence Township NJ, the heating appliance should not be used again until the flue has been repaired or replaced.
Perhaps because of these dangers associated with a damaged liner, a Level 2 chimney inspection is a requirement with any real estate transaction in which a property with a chimney changes hands.
Mercer County Chimney Services for Certified Chimney Sweeps
If you live in Lawrenceville and Lawrence Township NJ and need chimney sweep services, including a Level 2 inspection for real estate transactions, contact the CSIA-certified technicians at Mercer County Chimney Services. Our workmanship and customer service are second to none. Call 609-802-5288 today.